The steering committee consists of:
Steering Committee Alliance Nordic Model
Coordinator of the SISTERS - for getting out of prostitution! eV local group Dortmund
Memberships: SISTERS - for getting out of prostitution! eV, TERRE DES FEMMES human rights for women eV
Educational scientist, Dortmund
Steering Committee Alliance Nordic Model
Memberships: SISTERS - for getting out of prostitution! eV, TERRE DES FEMMES human rights for women eV
Lawyer, Munich
Steering Committee Alliance Nordic Model
Spokeswoman for the SISTERS local group in Tübingen-Reutlingen
Memberships: SISTERS - for getting out of prostitution! registered association
Social scientist, Tübingen
Steering Committee Alliance Nordic Model
Coordinator NRW per Nordic model
Coordinator TERRE DES FEMMES city group Dortmund
Memberships: SISTERS - for getting out of prostitution! eV TERRE DES FEMMES Human rights for women eV
state Certified business economist, graduate social worker, Dortmund
About Us
The Nordic Model Alliance is active nationwide and includes over 45 associations, networks and initiatives as well as numerous individuals from civil society.
Our goal is the introduction and implementation of the Nordic model in Germany.
All Allies regard prostitution as a form of violence against women, as a violation of the equality of women and men and as a violation of women's human dignity.